Monday, July 20, 2009

Tell Me

Please tell me, what's on your mind
What is it that you just can't decide
The person that you long to seek
Is it real or is it just a myth

Please tell me, what does your heart say
What is it that makes you pray
Who is it that stole your heart away
So many years til this very day

Please tell me, what I need to know
Is there still hope
Or you'd prefer to be alone
So tell me please, I want to know

written by Renee @ 2009

1 comment:

Sicreci said...

+Instead of wishing that sum1 wud tell u d thgs u wanna hear.
+Why not tell sum1 the thgs u wanna say?
+We can choose to stay in silent, maybe that's better, but we can also choose 2 risk the factor, maybe thgs might as well turn out great.